Fast & Effective Cultivation
Imants Spading machines take care of your soil.
The rotating movement ensures an optimal mixing effect. Because of this you can incorporate clay thoroughly through the profile.
Since the spade take soil bites of 25 to 30cm (10-12inch) and pull these from the underlying soil layer, an impermeable disturbing layer is not created at the bottom, the so-called plow pan. This means the precipitation can penetrate into the deeper soil layers and replenish the groundwater. The good structure remains after the spading which not only allows water to penetrate, but also ensures a good oxygen level.
Because spading machines do not form a hard pan in the soil, capillary action remains intact, so rising groundwater can reach the roots of plants when they need it. During spading, the subsoil is mixed but not completely turned over. This prserves most of the soil temperature.
27 Series
33 Series
Works down to 30cm, Comes standard with power harrow and operates on 540 PTO. Requires tractor in the 65-85hp range, with a working speed of up to 2.5 kph. These models are most suited for medium-sized growers.
SX/WX spade option available
40 Series
48 Series
58 Series
SX/WX spade option available
60 Series
70 Series
135 Series
Roller Options
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et
Prisma Roller
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et
Please ask about our other options specific for different models including pre-rippers, tool carriers and auto reset rippers.
Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et
“We have found our Imants spader with rippers in the front a true one pass machine. Having owned an opposition spader for a few years where we were having to pre-rip before spading in clayed or non-wetting sand country, this machine has saved us time and money by being able to do it in one pass. We also love the mixing ability of the Imants spader and have found it far superior to what we had in the past with far less wear on the spades as well. Nathans back up service and help has also been second to none”
Damien Schlink, Mt Howick, East Esperance
“Purchased the Imants spader for incorporating clay and couldn’t be happier with the results.”